Thursday, October 23, 2008

Originally uploaded by midoritsuru
I like those days like today, when it's warm in the sun and cool in the shade. Ah, October.
Today I'm wearing a 1-inch button of Barack Obama I bought at a hip hop festival back in 2005, and I remember hoping then that he might run successfully for close we are to that reality!

gray wool beret, valarie's collection
vintage white clip on ear buttons, thrifted
gray knit cape, H & M
tiny obama button, scribblejam 2005
black cowlneck knit dress, thrifted
black gloves, swap from atomicrose
turquoise nugget ring, harvard square street fair
turquoise tights, H & M
vintage white leather boots, thrifted in las vegas

Posted by Posted by midoritsuru at 9:48 PM